The way meth smokes and crackback
The way meth smokes and crackback

Following others ( Raikhel and Garriott 2013), our use of the phrase “experimental trajectories” is not limited to the notion of “experimenting with drugs,” but refers more broadly to the use of illicit substances and various other practices in an attempt to open up alternative horizons of affective, experiential and social possibility.

the way meth smokes and crackback

2004 Macdonald and Marsh 2004 Harocopos 2009 Raikhel and Garriott 2013).

the way meth smokes and crackback

A growing body of work illustrates that these transitions are shaped by a complex interplay of individual, social, historical and structural factors operating within specific settings, and are often situated within the broader experiential and experimental trajectories experienced by youth across their lives ( MacDonald and Marsh 2002 Mayock 2002 Bourgois, Prince et al. Transitions into more harmful forms of illicit drug use among youth have been identified as important foci for research and intervention ( Vlahov 2004). Recognition of these multiple truths about meth, and the social structural contexts that shape the scripting of meth use among youth in particular settings, may help us to move beyond moralizing debates about how to best educate youth on the “risks” associated with meth, and towards interventions that are congruent with youth’s lived experiences and needs across the lifecourse. Over time, positive understandings of meth may become entirely contradictory to a lived reality in which escalating meth use is a factor in further marginalizing youth, although this may not lead to cessation of use. Youth were simultaneously aware of the numerous health-related harms and social costs associated with heavy meth use. Our findings revealed positive understandings and experiences of meth in relation to other forms of drug addiction and unaddressed mental health issues. From 2008 to 2012, we conducted over 100 in-depth interviews with 75 street-entrenched youth in Vancouver, Canada, as well as ongoing ethnographic fieldwork, in order to examine youth's understandings and experiences of meth use in the context of an urban drug scene. Relatively few studies, however, have documented how youth themselves understand, experience and script meth use over time. Epidemiological evidence suggests that, particularly among young, street-involved populations, meth use is associated with numerous sex- and drug-related “risks behaviors” and negative health outcomes.

the way meth smokes and crackback

In settings around the world, the transition to crystal methamphetamine (meth) use among youth is considered a particularly dangerous and growing problem. Transitions into more harmful forms of illicit drug use among youth have been identified as important foci for research and intervention.

The way meth smokes and crackback