Thousands of parts means almost unlimited variations Clothes, shoes, jewelry, hats, bags, capes, gloves, belts, ties, masks, beards, weapons Humans (male/female/children), Orcs, Reptiles, zombies, skeletons, etc. Based on Universal LPC Spritesheet project, so you can use for free in your game (commercial or non-commercial) as long as you give credit to the artists So, if you're looking for a different style of sprite for your game please check it out and let me know what you think.Īvailable for free on Steam Oct 3rd, 2019. I figured it could be really helpful to other game developers with limited resources to make sprites. I decided to go the extra mile and package the tool up (and spend $100, wow I must love you guys!) for easy download on Steam for Windows and Mac. I didn't like the default RPGMaker style sprites and found it a lot of work to use arbitrary resource packs provided online, or found they didn't have as much variety as I needed. Works with anything that equips weapons to enemies now.I recently made a character generator tool because I needed a good way to make many characters for my upcoming indie game. Made the weapons stay put when you set the offset. Added WeaponSpeed so you can define your own speed. Changed the frame speed of the weapons so they match the default ones. Fingers crossed that didn't actually do anything negative. Had no choice but to Overwrite Sprite_. cleaned up the script a bit to make it easier to read. WeaponSize actually works as it's supposed to now. This allows you to set the position of the weapon. It'll have the weapon play a sound whenever the actor attacks. WeaponSize is integrated but most likely not in working condition. Removed the Sprite_ overwrite function as there was no point to itĪnd it made certain plugins incompatible. Fixed the weapon not showing an animation when its Weapon Type's SV motion is undefined. Let you set the weapon to be in front of the actor instead of behind them. Allow states to change weapon image.or allow weapons to change their image depending on the state. Terms of Use - Free for commercial and non-commercial use. If this isn't used, it'll use 36/frames instead. The amount of frames the weapon takes to move to the next animation frame. Offsets the weapon position by the specified amount. Plays a sound whenever the actor attacks. does not scale the weapons themselves, you have to do that manually. Sets the amount of frames the weapon image uses.ĭefines how big the weapon image's frame is. This isn't limited to the basic attack motions in the System Database. Implemented to ensure compatibility with other scripts that modify Sprite_Weapon, and to allow you to also use regular weaponType sprite functionality.